Search by first and last name at Registraire des entreprises

Dissolution formalities
June 1, 2024

New at the Registraire des entreprises

Since July 31, 2024, it has been possible to search by first and last name at the Registraire des entreprises: https: //

By entering a person's name, you can see which entities he or she is associated with in Quebec, whether as a shareholder, officer,director or ultimate beneficiary.

For the search to work, the surname and first name must be spelled exactly. If an accent is missing, or if a middle name is missing, the search will not detect the company with which the person is associated.

Note that dates of birth are not displayed, nor is it possible to enter a date of birth to filter the search. Thus, if two people have identical first and last names, it will not be possible to distinguish them other than by the declared residential address (unless a business address is declared to hide the residential address).

Finally, this search tool applies not only to incorporated companies, but also to any other entity registered with the Registrar, including sole proprietorships, non-profit organizations, partnerships and business trusts.

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